Determination really DOES pay off ….

You know it’s true too. You know you can feel the benefits of treating your body well after only a day or so.

After nearly 5 days I feel great. I don’t feel huge. In fact I feel like parts of me are smaller. My tummy isn’t straining to break over the top of my skirt. In fact it’s slipping down towards my belly button. Great feeling that.

I suppose in reality I’m heading towards that “make or break” time. Five days being good, can I keep it going or will I “treat” myself and undo the good of the past few days. How many of us sabotage ourselves by having a bad weekend then spend the next few days before weigh in desperately trying to undo the damage. If we’re very lucky we might have a wee loss – more likely a gain tho. Well my hands up. Guilty.

The problem is my little treat ends up another excuse to not care what passes my lips – and before you know it I’ve lost the plot completely. Sometimes I can undo the damage, but not always and that’s why my scales are rising instead of falling.

I’m grateful for one thing and one thing only. That is that at least I do try to undo the damage. What if I didn’t. Can you imagine what the scales would say now.

I’ve successfully lost weight three times in my life. Baby weight loss, weightwatchers and once without me even knowing it. It just happened. I’ll share them another time.

One thing that helped keep me motivated when I felt the need to eat was to find something to take my mind off food. One of the effective tools that helped me was going to my wardrobe and trying on clothes to see how far I’d come. Every time I found I could fit into something else and how loose other clothes were becoming on me. It was a buzz I can tell you. And then there was always the exercise I got from having to hang all the clothes up and putting them away again. Lol.

We’re buying a new bedroom suite soon. We have to because our bedroom is the next to get done. Our bedroom furniture is all “fixed”. The room’s being gutted. So I’m suppose to be downsizing the clothes situation. Things that haven’t been worn for awhile. Col walked in on Sunday and ahem said to me that the idea was to clear out MY clothes not HIS. But what if I want to wear it again. Then go buy some more. Okay then.

So now I have motivation and incentive.

Roll on day 6 and 7 and 8 and so on ……..


  1. Got to love that idea, I have got rid of all my bigger clothes bar 2 and am so glad I did, means I can not put the weight back on as I can't afford to buy new clothes. Amazing how you feel when you have been on track for a couple of days....

  2. Your motivation is shining through in this entry - good to read!!

    I took on board the paragraph about how you are grateful in at elast trying to undo the any damage, so true for so many of us bloggers. At least we haven't given up on ourselves.


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