I can't stop eating ....

I've put on nearly 2 kgs since my op. I have to stop right now. I was going so well and now I've stuffed it right up.

You know how you're not suppose to eat before your op well thats okay but the time I came out I hadn't eaten for 24 hours not even a drink and I was famished. Everyone around me was eating and I could of killed for food. When I finally got a plate all that was on my tray was about two tablespoons of some kind of stew, a tablespoon of pumpkin and something else that I can't even remember. The kids brought me up a subway, thank god. But as soon as I got home I was just like eating, eating, eating. And of course we had a few crap meals while I was recuperating.

My suits are a bit snugger and I'm feeling blah. I just got to find that mojo again but it's bloody hiding from me. Please any advice or tips are grealy needed right now. Help ......


  1. You poor thing, I know that feeling so well.
    All I can say is ... stand in front of a full length mirror often and really look at the bumps and rolls! I do it in the nude! Ain't pretty.

  2. Try to take it one meal at a time - plan what you are going to have for each meal as well as a snack between meals, take that food with you to work and stick to it. If you really feel like having something else, tell yourself to wait for 2 hrs, if you still feel like it after 2 hrs, have it - most times you won't feel like it. What I have tried doing is having a big glass of water every time I want to eat something - that has stopped many a trip to the vending machine.
    Hope you can find what works for you so that your suits will stop feeling snug !!!
    Lotsa hugs !

  3. I find its planning and tracking for me, if I don't do that I feel like I can eat anything !! Plus a glass of water before each meal or if you feel hungry...and sip one while eating too.
    Hope you can get on top it before those clothes get too snug. xx

  4. Oh I think everyones in the same boat, my clothes are tighter, I feel like crap so I have ordered Trimbody from whitcoulls and I'm going to give that a go....*smiles* as I sit here sipping on hot water and cider vinegar..............go figure I just want to be "normal", good luck!

  5. I didn't realise you were still updating. Good to hear the op is done and all went ok. I'm sure your mojo will come back, just take it easy and look after you.


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