Can you believe it ....

Just when I’m ready to get on the treadmill – the bloody thing goes on strike. I kid you not. There I was all primed and ready, in my trackies, even the water on hand, I
get on, beep beep then Error 6 flashed on the screen.

I could of laughed, but I didn’t. I didn’t think it was funny. The thing has been dormant for the last six months and when I finally decide to use for it’s correct purpose instead of everybody’s hangar it decides to crack a mental at me. It probably decided it preferred the lazy life and didn’t want to have to expend any energy.

So poor Mr T is trying to figure it out, which he has – he knows the problem. But these things take time to fix. So I’m told. Hmmm why did the Tui’s billboard flash before my eyes just then.
Anyhows I did get a bit of exercise in. Not quite what I had in mind but probably a better cardio workout. I went and stacked the wood.

I also had a mini hornbag makeover at the weekend. I am now all plucked, shaved, dyed and painted. I’ve also made up my mind after growing my fringe out for the last year – I want it back. So in a couple of hours I’m heading out for a cut which is badly overdue.

Well operation shrink my stomach is working. I lost 1.5 kg last week. Makes me feel a lot better and helps my frame of mind. Which by the way is a lot better as well.

Yep, I can feel my happy, happy, joy, joy fuzzies coming back. I actually have a smile or two on my face these days as well.

Spring is in the air!!!!!


  1. Awesome loss there and glad things are starting to fall back into place for you.... and hope that treadmill gets fixed soon :-)


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