a friday funny ....

It's Friday!!!!! Yipee!!!!

It actually looks like it's going to be a decent weekend too. I get to stay home this weekend and do some pottering and catching up on a few weeds.

Everything is still going well for me. The scales are still the same but I've noticed the looseness in my clothes and that's a great feeling.

I'm so loving this time of the year. Finally it's slowly getting warmer and the days are getting longer. No more driving home with my car lights on. All my spring bulbs are out and the smell of cut grass is heaven to me.

There's so many things to look forward to now.

Lower power bills.
Barbecues & salads
Less clothes
Long days

And so much more.

The hibernation period is over. Doesn't everything feel so much better when the sun is shining.

Lucas is still doing well. He had a wee set back the other day and ended up back on the CPAT (oxygen). His poor wee heart started racing a bit too much. In too much of a hurry, just like his Dad. He calmed down pretty quickly. He's still gaining weight so everyone is happy. In fact he reached the weight he had to be to come home but because of this setback they're going to keep him in Waikato a bit longer.

So that's the news at the moment. Have to finish a pile of work which will hopefully make the rest of the day go fast.

So I'll say Ciao and leave you with this funny .....

Have a good weekend everyone.

The boss wondered why one of his most valued employees was absent but had not phoned in sick one day. Needing to have an urgent problem with one of the main computers resolved, he dialled the employee's home phone number and was greeted with a child's whisper.

' Hello ? '

'Is your daddy home?' he asked.

' Yes ,' whispered the small voice.
May I talk with him?'

The child whispered, ' No ..'

Surprised and wanting to talk with an adult, the boss asked, 'Is your Mummy there?' ' Yes '

'May I talk with her?' Again the small voice whispered, ' No '

Hoping there was somebody with whom he could leave a message, the boss asked, 'Is anybody else there?'

' Yes , ' whispered the child, ' a policeman . '

Wondering what a cop would be doing at his employee's home, the boss asked, 'May I speak with the policeman?'

' No, he's busy , ' whispered the child.

'Busy doing what?'

' Talking to Daddy and Mummy and the Fireman , ' came the whispered answer.

Growing more worried as he heard a loud noise in the background through the earpiece on the phone, the boss asked, 'What is that noise?'

' A helicopter ' answered the whispering voice.

'What is going on there?' demanded the boss, now truly apprehensive. Again, whispering, the child answered,

' The search team just landed a helicopter '

Alarmed, concerned and a little frustrated the boss asked, 'What are they searching for?'

Still whispering, the young voice replied with a muffled giggle...

' ME . '


  1. I am looking forward to summer too...
    Good news about the baby being nearly ready to come home... and it's great that the weather is getting warmer cos it will be good for him.
    Love the joke.

  2. I had to smile when I read about how you look forward to spring and summer... Of course for us it's the opposite. Summer's over and the air has that crisp feel to it that tells me autum's just around the corner. And you know what? I'm looking forward to cozy nights in after a rainy day, snuggled up on the couch with a nice cup of tea! Isn't it great to have different seasons, so that there's always something to look forward to? :)

  3. ahhhhhh summer can't come soon enough....I am so over this cold!

    Hope Lucas can go home soon...


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