Let birthday week begin ...

I can't even begin to tell you how exhausted I am. Now that the stress is gone I'm just hit by an amazing tiredness. I do know I have an awful lot of sleep to catch up on.

Suffice to say that the past few weeks my diet has gone out the window. Don't get me wrong. I haven't put on any weight, in fact I've lost a wee bit. But I've allowed myself to slip back into a bad routine with eating. No breakfast, early lunches, no dinners. Generally I think I have one meal a day, lunch or dinner and a snack.

So thank goodness it's a long weekend. I can take the time out to get myself sorted an organised again and back on the right track.

I'm glad it's the end of the month. Means I can start a new month off back on track.

I'm 48 next week. So I'm going to make sure it's a good one. Definitely a lot of pampering and feeling the love is in order.

Starting tomorrow we're going to have a family day out at the lake. A great way to unwind and kick off birthday week.

My eyes are just about popping out of my head, lol and I'm trying to stifle the yawns but not succeeding. 30 mins and I can go home. Maybe I'll get my second wind then.

Catch you later,


  1. So good to see you back...hope you can catch up up some sleep now the stress has gone and really enjoy your birthday week...
    Take care xx

  2. Hi there, hope you have a fabulous week!

  3. Happy Birthday for next week chick ... yep long time no see I know ... but I'm finally getting back to blogging and catching up on all your blogs. Are you going to the bloggers get together on the 13th? I'm hoping to be there.

    Enjoy your day chicky

  4. Good to know the stress is gone.. I hope you can enjoy your birthday week mate.

    Feb 13th: Me, twins Marie and Hayley, Lyn, Sharon from Taupo, You and maybe Jaxx... so far.


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