Surgery a no go

Guess what, after getting the all go from the Doctor and the Nurse at the hospital, the anesthesist decided it was still too risky for me so it was canned the day before. I bad a good blubber cause I'm just so over this. Now its been set for the 3rd June. Yeah right. I won't go getting my hopes up.

On the brighter side - I'm feeling fantastic. I'm spending a bit more time in the kitchen making casseroles for Mr T for his lunches and making yummy dinners. I'm keeping myself really busy in the evenings to counteract the "no smoking" and my house and me are enjoying the benefits. Getting to do jobs that always keep getting put off. It's like every area in my life is getting organised and sorted again. I'm loving it. And I can't explain the energy I have. Maybe I can become the new Martha Stewart!!!!


  1. Sorry your surgery was postponed.. I hope they don't do it again and again and again... so many are!

  2. Bugger about the surgery but good on you for being positive about the rest of your life :-).

  3. So sorry about the surgery being postponed again - hang in there - when it is meant to happen it will.
    Take care and look after yourself !

  4. Next time lucky surely...
    Great to hear you being so positive about everything else.

  5. Nup, sorry, can't quite see you in the Martha Stewart role!
    Well done on the non-smoking.


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