Losing . . .

I am indeed. Two weeks and I’m down 1.6 kg. It feels great.

The first week I mucked around a bit and only lost 200gms but I knuckled down last week and received a 1.4kg loss.

I’ve struggled a bit (still) with portion sizes and have to exert some willpower, but now I’m finding that no matter how hungry I feel before eating, it doesn’t take long before I feel full and satisfied therefore I am slowly adapting to smaller portion sizes. Learning when to stop is something I’m consciously working on. The reward is not having to deal with an overfull or bloaty tummy.

For Mothers’ Day I treated myself to some new weightwatchers scales. I should of done it awhile ago. The other ones had got some moisture inside and wasn’t showing the numbers properly, plus they’d take forever to show the numbers. So now I’ve got a more faster, accurate set of scales, it’s encouraging me to be more focused and on top of what goes in my mouth.

I also got a new pedometer. That’s been a bit enlighting. How sedentary I’ve become. I’m lucky if I can clock up 5,000 steps in a day. While I’m not stressing out about it I am finding ways of trying to add more steps into my day. The days are shorter and its getting dark really early which cancels out a walk after work. But I’ll figure something out.

I’ve taken control back of my life. I’m back to not sweating the small stuff. I’m looking after myself again and the flow on effect has been almost instantaneous. When I’m happy, Mr T is happy, the kids are happy, everything flows more steadily, there’s more laughter and smiles, more hugs and kisses and a lot less stress. Why is it so easy for woman to forget this.

Despite the gloomy clouds outside the future is looking decidedly rosier.

Ciao xxx


  1. May the wind keep blowing those gloomy clouds away....and you keep those scales going down x


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