Nearly spring ...

In the morning and night when I arrive and leave work the smell of daphne is strong.  I love the scent.  The days are beautiful and sunny and they're getting longer. 

The gardens at work are also starting to come alive again too.  Our gardener is a bit late in pruning the roses, there's already a few blooms.

I love this time of the year.  Spring will be early. Daylight saving is next month.  It seems to have gone fast this year.  It's been a short winter.  

Today is Lucas's 4th birthday.  Hard to believe he'll be at school next year.   That time has gone fast.  I've got my hat(s)   for his Cat in the Hat party.  Should be a hoot.

My weight is going down slowly on a daily basis.  I'm quite pleased as I was feeling like I was in a rut.  My portion sizes are smaller and I feel fuller for longer.  Timing is perfect as I only crave salads and lite meals in the warmer months.  And now that my kitchen is wired up and ready to go I'm looking forward to being a little bit more creative when it comes to food.

Josh is with us again this weekend.  He phoned his mother last night and said he wanted to stay here and she agreed.  He just doesn't want a bar of her anymore and it's her own damn fault.  If I was her I'd be feeling sick to my stomach if my kids didn't want any part me.  I'm pretty resigned to the fact that he will be with us most of the time now.  We'll just have to encourage him to be more independent and spend time with his friends - be a bit more sociable - so we can have a bit of space every now and then.  Things he should be doing anyhow at his age.

Righto I'd better finish what I was doing.  Catch you later.  




  1. I love it when all the plants start to sprout and bloom after winter - it always looks so much nicer doesn't it ?
    Have the best day !

  2. I am sure if Josh feels more settled he will start to form other relationships. What sort of things is he intetested in, maybe he could join something to meet kids his age with similar intetests.

  3. I have daphne at my back door and i walk past it all the time... mine is white and it smells beautiful!

  4. Oh and happy to hear the scales are going the right way... mine too at the moment... fingers crossed we can keep it up.

  5. ohhh love it more when the scales move downnnnnnn


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