Some extremely good news ....

I got a txt last night. Probably one of the best txt’s I’ve ever got. It was from Margi. It read

“Hay it Margi I dnt rember the first 3 weks bt mum and dad told me u and sue cum 2 c me. Just wna say thanks and goin way beter nw. Hope al is good wit u.”

Yes I broke down like a baby and bawled my eyes out again. We ended up having a txting conversation and from now on she’s going to txt me everyday.

No Mondayitis this week. Although I did sleep through the alarm. We didn’t get up till 7.45. But it wasn’t too much of a mad panic. And I did have a good nights sleep. Bonus.

Wasn’t it bloody cold this weekend. I am very pleased to say that on Saturday we did nothing. It was cold and grey and totally miserable. So we went back to bed and watched a dvd. It didn’t take much to convince Mr T to have a day off. So he had his shower, went and got some more dvd’s, I got up lit the fire, had my shower and got back into my nightie and we spent the day in front of the telly. It was like heaven. No interruptions. Pure bliss.

However, Sunday I did have to go to work. Boohoo. Damn GST and end of the month statements.

I finally got a battery for my scales. I haven’t got on them yet. To be honest I’m scared that the 1 that has been showing up will now turn to a 7. Gulp. No it won’t, Lee-Anne. Think positive. You haven’t been too naughty.

But I have been sick though. It’s been quite draining. The past week I’ve been waking up during the night all stuffed up and coughing. I feel like there’s a ton of weight sitting on my chest. It’s hard to breathe, I can’t take a deep breath and fill my lungs up. It’s been scaring the hell out of me. I have to sit up in bed and calm myself down as I can feel the panic slowly building up inside. At this stage there is no sign of infection.

So it brings me back to the obvious. I need to lose weight and I need to get fit. I need to watch my diet and I need to start exercising. I need energy. And there’s one way I definitely know how to get it. I’ve got to start moving. And I’ve got to start mixing it up. I’ve been quite inspired by the biggest loser show and I know from watching some of their training sessions you don’t have to have all the flashest gear from the gym. So I’m going to incorporate some of their ideas into some sort of an exercise schedule for myself which will target certain areas of my body. I want to feel great, have oodles of energy and tone up.

My carrot that is dangling in front of me: A second honeymoon back to Rarotonga and our little villa.

Some carrot aye.


  1. That is wonderful, wonderful news! I am so pleased for you and your family.
    Go for the carrot! You can do it!

  2. That is just AWESOME news about your niece!!
    The best mothers day gift for her mum I'm sure!!

  3. Fantastic news, hope it all continues to go well for her. Rarotonga, I so want to go back there too!!!

  4. Extremely good news!!! She has gone through such a lot! We are crossing all the fingers we have for some good news for us. And Raro or somehwere similar is a dream for us as well.

  5. What wonderful news from your niece. What a relief for all of you.
    Nice carrot.
    Where is mine???

  6. That is awesome news am so pleased she is doing well :-)

  7. WOW!!!
    That is such great news hun, I'm so happy for Margi. How wonderful that she has made such a good recovery.

    Thanks for making me smile after a somewhat stressful day! :)

    I think I might have to hide in your suitcase when you go to Rarotonga...holey MOLEY!!!!!

    P.S - I'm sure the scales will be kind to you xo

  8. Fantastic news.rreeally fantastic, been praying that all would work out for her!

    No way will my scales be good to me....NOT until I start being good to me first anyways, somewhat lost the plot at the mo!!
    But heyyyyy we can do it girl...can't we?

  9. HE aNNE sorry to see u have been thru the ringer over the last few months...big hug to you all

    nice to have contact again



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