I'm making a list .....

A shopping list that is.   My life has been pretty topsy-turvey for the last couple of weeks.  Prior to Col having his accident I'd been off work for a couple of days with a tummy bug.   So I really haven't done a decent shop for nearly 3 weeks.  I've just been grabbing things as I need them.  This ends up a bit more costly.

So with the long weekend coming up I want to stock up my cupboards and fridge and also go through some recipes that I haven't tried before and make sure I have all the ingredients.  Nothing like having a well stocked kitchen.

I think first impressions of following a low carb diet for some people is the cost factor.  This I can appreciate.  But I've always been aware of how much my grocery bill is and I'm always on the look out for bargains.

To be honest I think my grocery bill has gone down.  While I may be buying more protein items and fresh veges, there are an awful lot of foods I'm just bypassing altogether.

My main staples are:

Olive Oil.

cheeses - colby, mozzarella and parmesan, at least a tray of eggs, streaky bacon, shaved ham, frankfurters, butter cream, sour cream, cream cheese.

Fresh veges :
( I just love spending time in the vege shop now- we are eating so much more fresh veges than before)

Broccoli, cauliflour, pumpkin, buttercup, kumera silverbeet, red cabbage, courgettes, parsnips, carrots, mushrooms, red onions, capsicums,  lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, etc. 

I will go two to three times a week to vege shop to top up.

The only fruit I buy is banana's and some apples for Col and Josh, maybe some grapes.

Meat.  Well I buy the majority of meat in bulk from our Mad Butcher which I find is really good.  Then I just bag it up and freeze it.  We have a lot of chicken, not as much red meat as before which is surprising.  I find I can't eat as much anymore.  The biggest shock is Mr T.  Apart from lamb he eats chicken the most too and sometimes prefers it.  He also loves my stirfrys and roasted veges.

I don't buy potatoes anymore. Thank god - they are so expensive.  I'll buy a couple loose if we're having a roast for Josh and Col.  Apart from snack packs for school treats and two loaves of bread for the guys that's my shopping list.  Bar the essentials of course.  It seems like a lot but it's not really.  I can spend $250 one week and $180 the next.  That is including my meat.   And I have enough food to feed three of us, or six of more of us.  My extras are having at least a pork or a lamb roast every month which ever happens to be on special at the time.

I use to spend an awful lot more a week on groceries.  I always use to waste a lot of food as well.  I'd end up throwing a few things out.  Now I use everything.  Which is why I go to the vege shop so often.  I only buy enough for about three days, so its fresh.

I rabbited on a bit so I'll shut up now.

Before I go this is what I've had for breakfast this week.  Very yummy and very filling.  And so easy to make.  I got it off one of the primal blogs.

This is so yummy and filling.

Great if you feel like something savoury.



  1. The eggs and bacon look great! Glad you have such a small grocery bill. Ours is on average about $300 a week.

  2. OK share that recipe!!!

    I can't tell you how your life reflects mine with regard to the shopping list. Seriously I buy so many veges now it is ridiculous. I really don't think I could live any other way now.

  3. yummo...just bacon and egg is it?

  4. Sorry to hear Mr T is not well still. I hope everything gets better real soon :)


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