Really need to do this post ...

Because if I don't there will be just too much to share that I wouldn't know where to begin.

Mr T:  ended back in hospital last week.  When he went to the clinic for his check up his finger was badly infected.  So back to theatre where they removed his nail and bone.  They left the wound opened for the infection to heal - he was pumped up on antibiotics and pain killers.  He was told he needed another op once the infection cleared.  For four days he was prepped for surgery every night and every morning it was always going to be tomorrow.  Then Monday morning just as I was leaving for work he phoned and said come and get me.  What????  I didn't understand.  Apparently they'd already removed the top of the finger and were just waiting to see how the infection was healing otherwise they'd have to go back and remove more of the finger.  Would have been nice to have known that in the beginning.  Anyhow he is home now and his pain level has gone down to between 0 - 3 which is great.  Drs said he should get a little better every day.  Hallelujah.  it's great to have him home. 

How am I.  Exhausted.  On a scale of 1 - 10 I'm sitting on 9.  I've spent my time between work, hospital and home. I have badly neglected myself. I'm quite run down.  At the weekend I made myself a big batch of pumpkin soup so I had something to eat when I got home from the hospital.   At 9 at night you don't feel like eating much so it did the trick.  My routine is all out of kilter and I'm just longing to get it back.  

I managed to get my lawns mowed last Sunday before I went up to the hospital and that was a great relief.  I hate long lawns.  Especially now I'm the lawnmower.  Thank god now that its cooler they won't grow as fast.

I'm looking forward to taking things a little bit easier from now on.  I really have to because grandbaby no. 3 arrives any day now.  Tuesday is D day as Janelle is booked in for a ceasar if bubs hasn't arrived.  That I'm really looking forward to.

Going to put my feet up as I'm watching Lucas for a couple of hours tonight and he's full on.

I'll be more positive next time.



  1. Oh no - so sorry to hear about Mr T - I hope that he heals soon and that life can resume to normalacy !!

    Take care and look after yourself as best you can.

    Love, hugs and positive energy !

  2. Gee, sorry to hear about Mr T.
    Hope life has settled down a little and your're taking care of you.


  3. Freaking public hospitals!
    I'm sorry your hubby had such a shitty run with his injury. Here's hoping he's NOW in the mend.
    Look after yourself too girl.

  4. Glad he's home and recovering :)

  5. I know you'll be looking after Mr T:)

    You poor thing all stressed and busy - it will get better and soon there will be a baby to hold!! Congratulations in advance.


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