Springs coming ....... and so is summer!!!!!!

Well last Friday being the 1st means that it’s only 4 months until summer begins. By crikey I can’t wait. Seems like the first half of this winter was the exceptional cold and the second half is wet, wet, wet. I am so over wet weekends.

So it’s normally around this time that I start making plans to lose a few kgs before the warm weather is upon me and this year is no different.

I was having a bit of a chat with the girl who does my nails on Saturday and we were talking about the whole weight loss dramas. She recently joined a gym and she’s looking fantastic. She goes about four or five times a week and she loves it. She said I would love it too. I’m sure I would but the truth is it would not work for me. It does for her because she is flexible with her time between 9 – 3pm. I have no spare time. Mornings are out as Col starts early and I have Josh to drop off at school. Lunchtimes are generally down at the workshop. After work – well I get home around 6 o’clock NOW, that would mean I don’t get home till after 7 at least and that’s just too long a day. At least at this time of the year. If you’re going to do exercise then it has to be something that easily fits in with you and what’s happening in your homelife. If you have to juggle too many things around to fit it in then it quickly becomes a chore and ends up in the “too hard to basket” and before long is non existent. For me the answer is walking. That’s something that is flexible and can easily be slotted into my daily life without requiring an awful lot of sacrifice on my part.

Next the food issue. If you were to ask anyone who was overweight what foods they needed to eat to lose weight pretty much 95% would tell you they know what they can and can’t eat. Personally I’ve been on that many diets over the years and lost enough to know exactly what I should and shouldn’t be eating. I know we’re all different but I do have to say I need to cut out a lot of carbs. They just do not agree with me – especially as I get older. If I have too many carbs I get bloated and full of wind which is definitely not a good thing. I have always had success losing weight when my diet is made mainly of salads, veges and fruit and small portions of protein. Surprise, surprise. Guess what, I also have heaps of energy and feel great too.

So then why when I know what exercise I should be doing and what food I should be eating why aren’t I losing weight.

Answer: Because I’m human and also because of my environment. I react to things that are happening around me. I can be motivated and on fire and going great guns then something happens in my personal life that’s similar to running into a brick wall. Okay I might get over that one and start running again but then there’s another brick wall, then another. It normally happens in three’s doesn’t it. Before you know it, I’ve had enough. I give up. So what’s a girl to do????

Well personally I blame the weather, kids and everybody else who conspires to make my life hell. Cause it’s not my fault. How could it be.

I should be the one putting up the brick wall to keep all the crap out of my life.

So I’m going to start on working on ways to sort out my environment. I’m going to aim for the “balance” in my life. I have a few ideas of where to begin but if anyone has any feel free to pass them along.

But in the meantime when I was driving home on Friday a woman drove past me and her number plate read - O4SUMR.

I want that number.

PS: Will post the photos when blogger will let me.


  1. It was helpful for me to read your posts. You are so right about exercise having to fit into your everyday life or else exercise becomes too hard. Also we do know what to do to lose weight - but a bit like you life keeps getting in the way.

  2. This was a great post. My only excersise has been walking, it is the only thing I have time for as I can go when I want to...and I enjoy it too.

    ohhhhhhh yes please, bring on summer..I so over this wet and cold weather!


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