Yesterdays weigh in ....

I weighed in yesterday and there was no change in the scales. So I’m still the same.

I had a shocking week. I just wasn’t organized at all. We went over to Tauranga last weekend to see my mum who had just got out of hospital and we thought we’d do our groceries there before we headed home. We took a leisurely stroll around the supermarket and I got everything we needed, all my breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next week. Went to pay for it and the machine couldn’t read my card. So the checkout operator kept swiping it and swiping it, put it in a plastic bag/ paper etc . Still couldn’t read it. I said I’d go and get the cash out of the ATM no problem. So off I go – half way through processing it spat my card out and told me my card was damaged and invalid. Buggar, cause it was new. I couldn’t use my other card because the mortgage had just come out. In the meantime the queue at the checkout had grown. I was so embarrassed. I said sorry and we left. I felt about two inches tall. On phoning the bank they said that the terminal was faulty and it had damaged the magnetic stripe. I’d need a new card. A week later I’m still waiting for my new card. So frustrating.

Anyhow moving on …

I’m all prepared for the next week. I’m getting serious.

It’s a gorgeous day here today. The sun is shining. Spring is in the air. The daphne is blooming. I’m relaxed and distressed and feeling the best I have in a long time. Really looking forward to the weekend.


Eating for yesterday ...
BREAKFAST – 2 x toast with marmite
LUNCH – Baby green salad with sliced hot chicken breast
SNACK - None
DINNER – pork stir fry
WATER - 3 glasses

SW 80.8 kg
CW 79.5 kg
GW 65kg (For the moment)


  1. Have a great weekend...and a great week ahead...all prepared. (my card has done that to me too!!)
    Keep smiling.

  2. Attagirl! What a buggar about the card. Here's to a great week. Zxx


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