Mixing it up ...

I need to give myself a bit of a kick start so I’m going to mix things up a bit.

I have good intentions but some days I just really struggle to eat breakfast. So the next best thing is to take a sandwich for morning tea which will fill me up till lunch time.

Chicken salad or a weightwatchers meal for lunch.

Fruit in the afternoon to counter attack the mid afternoon munchies.

Veges and protein for dinner. No carbs.

If I’m lucky this might just give me the energy boost I need.

Another Friday rolls around. Lol, they’re rolling fast. Be Christmas before we know it.

I’m really liking Fridays. I get to go home to a lovely clean house. It’s a wonderful feeling. It makes the weekend seem so much more relaxed. The funny thing is – the house gets nowhere near as messy as it use to.

So tonight just go home, light the fire, glass of sauv blanc, cook something nice for dinner and relax.

The weather for the weekend is looking like crap. I know it’s an excuse to do nothing, but just lately there’s been too many weekends like that and I want to get out and tidy up my gardens. All my spring bulbs are popping up and I want to get rid of the last of the leaves ready for everything to burst into bloom. I have some of my earlicheer starting to flower.

Well I suppose I’d better go organize everyone’s drinks.




  1. ahhhhhhhh nothing better than coming home to a clean house...my day is Tuesday, I love it!! And you are right, it does stay cleaner for the rest of the week too !!
    Thanks for email Lee-anne.

    Jen xx

  2. Hope "mixing it up" is working for you.

    I'm another saying thanks for the email! We heard and it's good news!!!


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