Yesterday's weigh in

showed a gain of 200 gms. It's still up again this morning but whatever, still having a "skinny" day. My goal for the end of February was to be below 75kg and that can still be done.

I'm now into my next size down wardrobe and it's a great feeling having a bit more variety of clothes to wear. In saying that I am now not able to wear a couple of my favourite skirts as they are slipping down below my belly button and low on my hips. Wearing clothes that are too loose or big is not flattering at all. I'm fluctuating between size 12 and 14 depending on the brand.

I know that I've lost weight in the face and from my middle but now I'm noticing my arms and my legs are a bit smaller . In the past my bum and thighs are always the last to go and my boobs are generally the first followed by my waist and face. Must be an age thing. I really must use my tape measure.

Nothing else to report so I'll sign off now.



  1. You sound just like me. I am between a 12 and 14 but I take clothes in - luckily I can sew! I have loads on my sewing table right now waiting for adjustments.

    I just bought a pair of jean capris - size 12. Holy heck, never done that before, ever!!

    Don't worry about the scales being up, mine do that all the time and then today they said 75.3 - that's a new low. Of course by weigh in day it will be up but I don't really care because I can feel that weight burning off me!!

  2. Don't you just love that shrinking feeling :-)
    This time around I took my seeing those numbers get smaller too :-)

    Keep smiling

  3. Even if the scales are up, it's about what you can fit into and how you look - keep up the great job you are doing !


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